We made nearly 30 of the 50 this week, next push on the 4th/5th january 2016 if you can help get in touch!
I have recently been helping the unstoppable Liz Clegg and many many others in their contribution to relieving the Humanitarian Crisis that is unfolding on our borders.
Further to her work in providing medical and moral assistance and sorting and distributing the mountains of well intended clothes tents and bedding, i am now working with another friend, Ben Gillespie, facebook.com/flatpackshelters in providing shelters to a small number of the many thousands of refugees fleeing War and Persecution.
We have made a batch of small woodburners to heat some of the shelters that Ben and other volunteers are building, with the help of Tubs, Grant, Ryan, Paul, Guy. Greg and Jason.
Top work , and many thanks for donating your time.

I have developed a lightweight version of the Wendy Stove , which will take the dampness off the air for those families and groups lucky enough to move out of their tents and into a simple insulated timber frame shelter. I am aware that firewood is in very short supply, and that there will be many people to each 3mx3m shelter, so that is why i am suggesting such a small stove, together with flue, flashing, CO alarms and fire extinguishers.
This batch of 16 stoves was delivered and installed in some of the shelters going up in the largest and most well known of the refugee camps on the northern coast of Europe, the “New Jungle”, on the sand dunes on the eastern edge of Calais. Once we have made contact with some of the other camps, we hope to work with people on the ground there.
The first 20 shelters went up in early November, and we are now gathering donations for the next batch of shelters, lighting and associated heating kits.
We have also been working with Mark Farrell, who made this shelter for a family in the Jungle:

WE are also working with Finn Kay to get a batch of rocket Cooking stoves made for the communal shelters which will be going up at the camp in Dunkerque by the end of November. Volunteers and donations are the only way that this is going to happen! See the next blog entry.
You may be able to help us. We need around £150 for each stove, flue and associated kit. Any donations humbly accepted, no matter how small.
The more we get for these, the more we can provide with each kit, such as bowsaws, axes, firelighters and even firewood (sourced in France).

I have also been involved in distributing some EzyStove Rocket stoves, supplied by Wild Stoves in Bridport at cost price, to groups of people living and cooking together in the New Jungle.
If you are able to donate a small amount towards these essential cooking stoves please click on the link below, and we will organise collecting the stoves and distributing them to some of those most in need in the refugee camps in northern France:
We do of course realise that many people amongst us are angry and upset that there are so many disposessed people in this world who would like to come to live on our safe island of immigrants. (Nowhere near full up, last time i looked at Google Earth).
We would appreciate it if these people could direct their energy in this respect towards those who are responsible for the current Housing, Moral and “Economic” crisis. Stangely enough, it seems to us that this is the very same small sector of society who are largely behind the current huge shift of populations around the planet due to the Global Warming and the all too lively Arms Trade, yet take no responsibility.
Just Saying.