On 5 November 2019, the Government launched a consultation to strengthen police powers against roadside Travellers.
To find out more details on what they are proposing, click here. We need as many people as possible to stand up and fight against the Government’s plans.
If you would like Friends Families and Travellers to respond to the consultation on your behalf, please fill out the form on this link. Consultation ends 4 March 2020 , so get on with it…
It will take just 2 minutes to fill out the form, but it may change the Government’s plans. Please sign and share!
Nearly 100% of traditional stopping places have been made inaccessible by the authorities/ land “owners” in the past few decades.
Travelling people are entitled to stop for at least the night, before being moved on and/or having their homes and possessions stolen from them.
There is very little provision for stopping places for travelling people and there is active discouragement of travelers creating stopping places on their own land.